Sunday, July 31, 2016

Quite Colourful Indeed by Rindge Leaphart

I recently came across Colourful Radio out of the UK, a true gem.  In my search for great international music, I discovered Colourful Radio.  The station plays what seems to be a heavy dose of US artists, but also music by artists out of the UK, the Caribbean, as well as other parts of Europe.  What I find quite interesting, is that a decent portion of the music by US artists are cuts that I am not familiar with.  It's as if they have found a treasure trove of B-side cuts that may have been overlooked by others.  Or it could just be, that I am not as up-to-date on Neo-Soul artists and cuts as I think I am. Either way, the music is great.  I have caught several interviews of artists that were thorough and well done.  Not cookie cutter interviews by any means.  The station is now a regular on my playlist and I'm actually listening as type this post.  Make sure to check out the links below to add some Colour to your listening experience.

Guest Interviews on Colourful

Rindge Leaphart

Friday, July 29, 2016

Mr. Big Stuff Brazilian Style - by Rindge Leaphart

Just came across this tune and was impressed enough to share.  Que Tempo Bom was clearly influenced by Jean Knight's classic.  The music from Jean's original is timeless and of course still funky.  The Brazilian duo that sampled the song overlaid some of their own music with nice vocals from both the female singer and male rapper.  I hope folks enjoy the tune as much as I do.

Rindge Leaphart